Submitted PDF files can be downloaded and annotated in the Microsoft Edge browser:
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H5P makes it easy to create, share and reuse HTML5 content and applications. H5P empowers everyone to create rich and interactive web experiences more efficiently.
H5P content is responsive and mobile friendly, which means that users will experience the...
After all students have submitted to an assessment, you may wish to lock the submissions to stop them from making any further changes. You can do this for a whole assignment or for an individual/select students.
Please note: If students have extensions, or permission to resubmit, you will...If you're teaching on a module and want to receive an email when a student submits an assignment after the due date, you can set this up in the Assignment settings
Here are a number of useful features, tips and reminders for you during the online marking process
Dyslexia StickersWhen marking assignments, please make sure that you are checking for the dyslexia icon. This appears alongside the student ID when you are viewing the submissions...
Blended Learning is all about combining face to face teaching with online learning experiences in a way that complements each other. We have various tools to enable this, such as Moodle, Panopto, Teams etc. However it can be difficult if...
Staff can use ChiReadingLists to create electronic versions of their reading lists, making core and recommended readings easily accessible to students.
You can add a Poll in any chat window, whether you are in a meeting or if you are just using chat on its own.
If you are in a meeting and you want to set up a poll, open the Chat window and click on the ellipses (...) at the bottom of the chat
In the participants window you can also click on the ellipses at the top of the page (in the same line as the heading People) and from here you can change the meeting options by clicking manage permissions or you can download an attendee list. This can be useful for online lectures in the...
If you hover over a participant and click the Ellipses that appear, you have a number of options, such as:
You can share your screen or other content in Teams meetings by clicking on the Share content button on your control bar (this is the button with an up arrow)
Choose your desktop (if you wish to play a video as part of your meeting or lecture, make sure you also select Include computer...
If you wish you go into your Teams meeting or lecture a few minutes early and put up a 'welcome screen' to do this:
Create a PowerPoint slide informing the participants the session will begin soon, with any further instructions (such as please mute your microphone).
Example for...
If your participants wish to say something or ask a question in a Teams meeting, you can advise them at the beginning to unmute themselves if you want them to be able to speak as and when they choose, or if you don't want to be interrupted, you can ask them to submit questions in the chat window...
There are two ways to set up Breakout roomsIn Teams meetings, you can either create them on the moodle page in advance, or use the Microsoft breakout rooms feature, so which should you use?
Setting them up on the Moodle page in advance
You can set up a Team space to:
There are a number of ways you can check and test your audio and video device settings
click on the account icon at the top of...
Live transcription can make your meeting more productive and inclusive for participants who are deaf or hard-of-hearing or have different levels of language proficiency. Participants in noisy places will also appreciate the visual aid. This feature is available in the desktop version of Teams....
You can customise your WordPress site by changing its theme, to do this, hover over the Appearance option in the dashboard, and click on Themes.
A page showing all the themes you can choose from will show, hover over any of the themes and click Live Preview to see how it...
You can create a Wordpress post from your Dashboard. hover over the Posts option on the left hand side and click Add New
Enter a title for your post and then add your post content, you can add additional elements to the page using the various + icons on the page, publish...
eStream is the secure video platform for education and offers TV, radio and satellite recordings, interactive videos and quizzes and Connect, which allows access to content from lots of other institutions around the world to include in your Moodle pages.
With eStream you can:
A blog consists of diary-style text entries or posts, for this we use WordPress. Usually posts are displayed most recent first, at the top of the page. There are a number of educational uses for blogs such as posting work, reflective writing, class discussion, online diary of development,...
The University News and Events forum will send an email to all users in the university who have not unsubscribed from them. Sending an email to all staff or all students through email is a different process and is one that cannot be unsubscribed from so is reserved for key university...
If you have a student account and want to be able to log into Moodle, email, ChiView etc, while logged into your computer on your staff account you can do this:
If you have a shared document in Teams, Office 365 groups, in SharePoint or in Onedrive, you can edit it at the same time as other people when it is opened online in a browser. This enables you to work collaboratively on the same document, either in real time or at separate times, without the...
There is help on many subjects on our dedicated help pages, to access the help pages go to and search for your query. If you require further assistance, contact the Support and Information Zone (SIZ).
Access the help pages: (no log in required)SIZ...With Microsoft Forms you can create a form, such as a survey or quiz, invite others to respond to it using almost any web browser or mobile device, see real-time results as they're submitted, use built-in analytics to evaluate responses, and export results to Excel for additional analysis or...
There are two ways that you can download submissions:
You can do this one by one by clicking on the file name
Or to download all at the same time, at the top under Grading action, choose Download all submissions.
Jisc Online Surveys (Formerly BOS or Bristol online) are easy to create and maintain, and the results can be exported into Excel or PDF.
Please raise a job via Support Me if you would like a Jisc online Surveys account, this is available to staff and students.
General Instructions...
If you are copying and pasting content from other sources such as Word, pdfs or other websites, sometimes the background code that manages the formatting can come with it. (eg bold will remain bold text and the headings are already large) You may not notice any problem, but sometimes you may...
It is possible to add a button in the text editor of Moodle.
First of all type what you want your button to say, then highlight it and click on the hyperlink button
2020-06-29 14_40_54-Window.pngPaste the URL or the link of where you want...
You can use the Moodle Assignment for formative as well as summative assignments and for collating documents such as consent forms.
You can follow the same guide for setting up the Assignment tool for summative assignments, but make two changes:
In the Assignment settings, navigate...
Have you ever noticed that some website addresses have a prefix of http or https?
Well, the 's' stands for secure, so if a website has https it means that the content is encrypted, and therefore less likely to be intercepted by a third party (hackers!). When shopping or inputting any...
We have become aware that some lectures are being recorded for students by adding audio to PowerPoint. This is not something we recommend for the following reasons:
To use live captions in a meeting, go to your meeting controls and click the ellipses (...) then choose Turn on live captions.
To stop using live captions, go to the meeting controls and click the ellipses (...) then choose Turn off live captions.
...The forum activity allows participants of a Module to post comments as part of a thread. Files such as images and media maybe included in forum posts.
Module Evaluation Feedback can be done online, this saves a lot of hours of work collating questionnaire answers and saves paper.
If you are concerned that students will not fill in the questionnaire if it is online, then allow a little time in the lecture as you would with a paper...
Hybrid Teaching is where timetabled teaching is delivered where participants (tutors and/or students) are at the same time in the classroom and online. The hybrid model of teaching and learning uses both online and in-person options in a purposeful way. Not only does this model give increased...
Salmon's (2011) Five Stage Model - Student Engagement in Blended Learning (Accessible version)
Microsoft has a great collection of help pages for how to get the most out of Microsoft Stream.
Getting startedIn most instances, creating chapters is a faster and easier way to help your viewers quickly reach the important parts of your recordings. Rather than editing out sections (where perhaps you all went off on a coffee break), it could be quicker to add a chapter for when...
There are a number of key roles in Moodle these are:
Module coordinator roleThe Module coordinator has overall responsibility for the module. However they may not necessarily be the person or people delivering the module if there is more than one lecturer or if they are overseeing...
You can email participants on a module in two ways, through the Announcements activity or you can set up a Forum from activities and resources.
Announcements activityYour Moodle page settings includes things such as:
Access the...
To add an additional topic, with Edit mode enabled, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Add topic
Screenshot 2023-07-17 at 11.29.15.pngMoving sections
If you then want to move the topic to another place on the...
Images in Moodle must be inserted using the image button on the editor or dragged and dropped into the editor (jpg and png files only). It is important to insert images this way and to never copy and paste them in. Copy and Pasting images directly into Moodle via a link to the original site is...
Moodle has a number of activities and resources available to be used, here is an overview of the ones you may need:
The book module enables you to create...
Quick navigation
To set up an online submission area on a Moodle page:
There are two ways to import...
The restrict access feature enables lecturers to restrict the availability of any activity or even a course section according to certain conditions such as user, dates, grade obtained, group or activity completion.
For example if you need to set up an assignment link for specific students...
Moodle has a host of time saving, and engaging activities and resources available for you to add to your Module page.
Scheduler allows you to quickly and easily setup, and manage your tutorial bookings, resulting in a space where students can book a tutorial slot with ease. The student...
My Pages in Moodle is where you can access all of your modules and is customisable to enable to you view modules in different ways.
You can Favourite your modules, hide modules, view all your modules, your modules in progress, and future or past modules by year. You can sort your modules...
Starting this academic year, some lead lectures will be delivered online using Microsoft Teams. These guides will help you set up these online lead lectures in advance, and show you the various things you can do once in the lecture.
Advice for the lecturerIf a student has submitted a MS Word document, then you can use Word to view and annotate the submission
Word has a number of useful features:
Extensions can only be granted by the Module Coordinator or Departmental Administrator.
To grant an extension to a student:
If you wish to allocate certain submissions to specific markers, to do this:
Moodle is a versatile tool, and there are many different things you can do with it.
The video below shows the basics:
If you find yourself writing the same piece of text again and again you can save it in the statement bank.
To build statements, on the front page, click statement bank, you can then build...
To create a template, in the MAF links, click add a new template.
Give your template a name, and then in the text box you can build your template using the editing options along the top...
Assignments are submitted to the module's Moodle page.
The submission link will look something like this:
Assignment activity.png
Quick links:
There are a few different ways of making video recordings but for the moment we recommend using Microsoft Teams as this should be the most familiar to you.
Jump to:
Microsoft Teams is designed, by default, to focus on one main speaker. To do this, it uses active noise suppression to remove background noise, such as music, dogs barking or colleagues talking in...
Whiteboard is a new application available alongside Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Teams. It can be used online via a browser and via a...
If you have created feedback as a file or as a video or piece of audio in OneDrive/Stream then you can link to that in MAF.
To add a file, in the markers editing page you have an option near the top in the blue box to choose a file
Click the choose file button,...
You can edit your Moodle profile to show your department, additional contact details, social media accounts, and more. Elements of this, such as your contact details, room and social media handles will then be used to populate any placeholders that show your information in Moodle (such as in the...
The Accessibility Tool in Moodle allows you to set the colour scheme, font style, readability and text size in Moodle. These settings apply only to you and do not affect how anyone else views the pages.
To access the accessibility tools:
If you require any advice on Copyright law please contact your Librarian or refer to the Library Copyright for staff and students Moodle page
However, if you are looking for an image or other media for Moodle or your PowerPoints etc, there are a number of places that are under the Creative...
Adding a Comment
To add a comment, first, highlight the text you want to comment on. Then, go to the "Review" tab in the ribbon and click on "New Comment." Type your comment in the box that appears:
Type out your comment and press Ctrl + Enter or click the 'Submit...
In November 2019, the Learning and Teaching & Student Experience Committee agreed a minimum standard for all Moodle module pages. This is to ensure quality, accessibility and consistency for students working on campus, online, and blended.
You can download your own Moodle minimum...
Documents such as Word, PDF or Excel documents can be exported as a PDF. This can be useful for a number of reasons Including reducing file size, making the document small enough to be emailed as an attachment or for other reasons like compatibility...
An orphaned section in Moodle refers to a course section that is hidden from students but still contains activities or resources. This typically happens when sections are moved or deleted, or during course imports, causing some content to become inaccessible to students.
How to resolve it?...
Sometimes you may want to have a resource that students have available to them, but that doesn't show in the activities area of your topics. (Stealth Activities and Resources)
This may be if you want to hyperlink it from another area or send it to them separately.
Click add an...
Moodle is our virtual learning environment, where students can find their course materials, communicate and partake in activities. ...
Roz Hall
Learning Technologies & Skills Development Manager
Twitter, LinkedIn
Roz Hall has over a decade of...
If you are recorded in ChiView as being the module coordinator, you'll have automatic access to the module in MAF Online. You will be responsible for adding additional markers.
Enter Marks and Feedback Enter marks and feedback2.png
Choose module screen
When you first access MAF Online, you'll be shown a list of the modules you've been given to mark. If you are the module coordinator, you'll automatically have access to the module and will be able to add additional markers.
Choose...This workflow outlines how you can use Microsoft Teams to record your videos and how you can store and share them.
Select which module to moderate.png
Whilst students like a consistent experience, we understand that staff have their own ways of marking, grading and giving feedback; we believe that our workflow allows for both.
ema.jpg Click...The similarity shows the percentage of text which has been recognised as unoriginal.
You can view the originality report by going to your submission and clicking on the similarity...
To allow External Examiners access to module information, assessment requirements and samples of student work, you will need to do the following:
"Digitally capable staff should be a basic student entitlement"
The Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) Team support staff with the research, development and use of technology to enhance the student experience.
Please review each section carefully:
*/ 1. Import your content from a previous years' Moodle pageMoodle allows you to move content from one page to another. You will need to have...
MAF (Module Accessment Feedback) Online is the University's platform for grading, marking and giving feedback for student summative assessments.
You can use MAF Online for:
Please note, you cannot record a Teams call, it has to be in a meeting.
When you are in your Teams meeting, select the More icon at the top of the page, and select Record and transcribe > Start recording....
In addition to text feedback, you're able to attach files (such as annotated Word documents) and link to online documents (such as files and videos saved in OneDrive and SharePoint).
1. Firstly, click on the Feedback icon next to the Mark and Grade boxes
...External Examiners will be able to view MAF Online modules, via ChiView
MAF Online (Module assessment feedback) is the University's online tool for giving student feedback and marks/grades.
To give feedback via...
New Moodle pages are created for each module occurrence each year, each page will have one person automatically enrolled, this is the module co-ordinator.
Please make sure that ChiView has been updated with any changes to module coordinators (more information on Module Coordinator...
In 2009, alongside the launch of Moodle, the University of Chichester adopted Blended Learning as its format for module delivery. This is described as timetabled face-to-face teaching, enhanced with asynchronous or scheduled synchronous online activities to be...