How to lock student submissions

After all students have submitted to an assessment, you may wish to lock the submissions to stop them from making any further changes. You can do this for a whole assignment or for an individual/select students.

Please note: If students have extensions, or permission to resubmit, you will need to manually unlock their assignment

How to lock student submissions

  • Navigate to the Assignment activity on the Moodle page
  • Select users using the tick box in the Select field of the table. To select all student, use the tick box at the top of the table  Illustrative image
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page
  • With selected users... select Lock submissions  Illustrative image
  • Select Go
  • The students' status field will display Submission - changes not allowed  Illustrative image

How to unlock student submissions

  • Navigate to the Assignment activity on the Moodle page
  • Select users using the tick box in the Select field of the table. To select all student, use the tick box at the top of the table
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page
  • With selected users... select Unlock submissions  Illustrative image
  • Select Go
  • The student(s) will now be able to make changes to their assignment



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