Team Spaces for collaboration

You can set up a Team space to:

  • file share
  • video or voice call the team
  • instant message
  • shared notebook (ideal for minuting meetings or sharing ideas) 
  • create channels for different topics
  • integrate with Microsoft planner to set tasks and deadlines.

This can be useful for projects or for students to have a collaboration space.

If you only want to have online meetings or lectures, you do not need a full collaboration space, instead either:

Creating a Microsoft Team

  1.  Go to the Teams homepage/tab using the Navigation menu on the left
  2. Select "Join or Create team" on the top right:  Illustrative image
  3. Click "Create a Team":  Illustrative image
  4. You will then be asked what type of Team you would like,  choose "Other" for a blank standard Team:  Illustrative image
    (the rest of the Teams types come with templates and settings that can be difficult to manage)
  5. You will then be asked to Name the new Team, write a description for others to see before joining the Team and to set a privacy level for anyone joining the Team:  Illustrative image
    • Private - Only team owners can add members
    • Public - Anyone in your organisation can join

Adding Participants to a Team

Once a Team has been created you will want to invite people to that team to collaborate with.

  1. Go to the Teams main page using the sidebar on the left. If you are viewing a Team already you may need to click it a second time to see the full list of teams you are a member of.
  2. Once you can see the list of teams, find the team you wish to invite others to and click the "..." menu.
  3. Then select the "Get Link to Team" option:  Illustrative image
  4. Teams will then open a new window for you to copy the link to your clipboard:  Illustrative image
  5. email the link to the participants you wish to join the team or if it is for a Module, you can post the link on Moodle.

Confirming a user into the Team, after they have clicked the link

When a recipient clicks the link they will join into the team under a controlled environment, you will need to accept their request to access to the Team via the link in order for them to access the team fully. 

  1. Go to the Teams homepage using the sidebar on the left
  2. Click the "..." menu
  3. Select "manage Team":  Illustrative image
  4. In this screen, you will need to select "Pending request" in the tabs that run along the top:  Illustrative image
  5. Click "Accept" or "Deny" to admit or deny users joining the group.

Changing a user's role within the team

Users you accept will be moved from 'pending requests' tab to the 'members' tab, where you can administer the group further, such as promoting someone's role within the team from a "member" to an "owner" for instance. Having Owner status will allow them to make changes to the Team or admit/deny new members. We can change a user's permission level/role by following the steps below:

  1. Go to the Teams homepage using the sidebar on the left
  2. Click the "..." menu
  3. Select "manage Team":  Illustrative image
  4. Select the "Members" tab at the top of the window
  5. Each user is shown on a new row, at the end of this row you will be able to change their role from member to owner or vice versa:  Illustrative image

How to delete a Microsoft Team

  1. Go to the Teams Homepage by clicking 'Teams' in the left sidebar:  Illustrative image
  2. Select the "..." menu on the Team you wish to delete
  3. Then select 'Delete Team': Illustrative image
  4. You will then be asked to confirm your deletion by checking a tick-box to say you understand that everything will be deleted and then pressing 'Delete Team' again:  Illustrative image

Your Team will then be deleted permanently, along with any resources, chats or files stored on it. Be aware a Team cannot be restored once it has gone past this point.

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