Moodle Activities and Resources

Moodle has a number of activities and resources available to be used, here is an overview of the ones you may need:



The book module enables you to create a multi-page resource in a book-like format, with chapters and subchapters. Books can contain media files as well as text and are useful for displaying lengthy passages of information which can be broken down into sections.

A book may be used

  • To manage complex course material organised by chapter
  • To allow students to download and print
  • As a showcase portfolio of student work


This option allows you to make a file available to your students to access, prompting them to download it.

Note that students need to have the appropriate software on their computers in order to open the file.

A file may be used:

  • To share PowerPoint slides
  • To share lesson handouts
  • To provide draft files of certain software programs (eg Photoshop .psd) so students can edit and submit them for assessment

Please make sure that all shared files comply with digital accessibility regulations


Folders can be added to display a number of related files inside a single folder, reducing scrolling on the module page. A zipped folder may be uploaded and unzipped for display, or an empty folder created and files uploaded into it.

A folder may be used:

  • For a series of files on one topic, for example, a set of past examination papers in pdf format or a collection of image files for use in student projects
  • To provide a shared uploading space for teachers on the course page (keeping the folder hidden so that only teachers can see it)


The Learning & Teaching and Student Experience Committee has defined a minimum requirement for all Moodle module pages.

The Handbook resource includes the following sections:

  • Module details (pasted from the descriptor)
  • Outline syllabus and teaching and learning methods (pasted from the descriptor)
  • Intended learning outcomes (pasted from the descriptor)
  • Assessment information (pasted from the descriptor)
  • Staff contact details (some of these will be automatically generated)


Hyperlinks enable lecturers to provide a web link as a course resource. Anything that is freely available online, such as websites, documents or images, can be linked to; the URL doesn’t have to be the home page of a website. The URL of a particular web page may be copied and pasted or a teacher can use the file picker and choose a link from a repository such as Flickr, YouTube or OneDrive.

Note that hyperlinks can also be added to any other resource or activity type through the text editor.

Lightbox Gallery

The Lightbox Gallery resource module enables participants to view a gallery of images.

This resource allows you to create 'Lightbox' enabled image galleries within your Moodle course.

As a course teacher, you are able to create, edit and delete galleries. Small thumbnails will then be generated, which are used for the thumbnail view of the gallery. Clicking on any of the thumbnails brings that image into focus, and allows you to scroll through the gallery at your leisure. Using the Lightbox scripts creates nice transition effects when loading and scrolling through the images.

If enabled, users are able to leave comments on your gallery.


The page resource enables you to create a web page resource using the text editor. A page can display text, images, sound, video, web links and embedded code, such as Google maps.

Advantages of using the page module rather than the file module include the resource being more accessible (for example to users of mobile devices) and easier to update.

For large amounts of content, it's recommended that a book is used rather than a page.

A page may be used

  • To present the terms and conditions of a course or a summary of the course syllabus
  • To embed several videos or sound files together with some explanatory text


The ChiReadingLists allows users to access an interactive list of their module resources and gives instant access to any online resources such as online articles and eBooks.

All modules must have a ChiReadingList to comply with the Moodle Minimum Requirements.

You can add multiple views on your Moodle page, highlighting the weeks reading for students in each week section of the module page. 

For further guidance on creating/editing your ChiReadingLists please contact your Subject Librarian to arrange a training session. Alternatively, please visit the ChiReadingLists Training Moodle for step by step guidance and video tutorials.

Text and media

Use this to add text to your Moodle page, adding information of giving headings to lists of resources. You can also use the Text option to embed HTML onto your module, such as videos, Google Maps, Twitter feeds by pasting in HTML/iframe embed code into the "< >" button.

The text area may be used:

  • To split up a long list of activities with a subheading or an image
  • To display embedded content, such as video, Google Map, Twitter feed etc. on the course page
  • To add a short description to a course section

The Text box works in the same way as the text editor on a section, however it can be moved around the page and sits in between resources, so it is advised to use this rather than the text editor on a section.




The Moodle assignment activity enables a teacher to communicate tasks, collect work and provide feedback.

Students can submit any digital content (files), such as word-processed documents, spreadsheets, images, or audio and video clips. Alternatively, or in addition, the assignment may require students to type text directly into the text editor. An assignment can also be used to remind students of 'real-world' assignments they need to complete offline, such as art work, and thus not require any digital content. Students can submit work individually or as a member of a group.

Although there is a grade function in Moodle, it is not to be used for summative assignments. All feedback is recorded via MAF - More information can be found on the MAF help pages.

Please note that all written summative assessments need to have the Turnitin plagiarism plugin settings enabled (it is enabled by default).

Please see the Online Assignment help pages for more information.


The checklist activity allows a teacher to create a checklist / to-do list / task list for their students to work through.

Checklists can be used to control access to additional resources or activities. For example, a student can only see the Powerpoint slides if they have 100% on their checklist.


The choice activity enables a teacher to ask a single question and offer a selection of possible responses.

Choice results may be published after students have answered, after a certain date, or not at all. Results may be published with student names or anonymously.

A choice activity may be used:

  • As a quick poll to stimulate thinking about a topic
  • To quickly test students' understanding
  • To facilitate student decision-making, for example allowing students to vote on a direction for the course


Forums have many uses, such as:

  • A social space for students to get to know each other
  • For course announcements (using a news forum with forced subscription)
  • For discussing course content or reading materials
  • For continuing online an issue raised previously in a face-to-face session
  • For teacher-only discussions (using a hidden forum)
  • A help centre where tutors and students can give advice
  • A one-on-one support area for private student-teacher communications (using a forum with separate groups and with one student per group)
  • For extension activities, for example ‘brain teasers’ for students to ponder and suggest solutions to


See the Moodle Forum help page for more information


The glossary activity module enables participants to create and maintain a list of definitions, like a dictionary, or to collect and organise resources or information.

A teacher can allow files to be attached to glossary entries. Attached images are displayed in the entry. Entries can be searched or browsed alphabetically or by category, date or author. Entries can be approved by default or require approval by a teacher before they are viewable by everyone.

A teacher can allow comments on entries. Entries can also be rated by teachers or students (peer evaluation). Ratings can be aggregated to form a final grade which is recorded in the gradebook.

Glossaries have many uses, such as

  • A collaborative bank of key terms
  • A ‘getting to know you’ space where new students add their name and personal details
  • A ‘handy tips’ resource of best practice in a practical subject
  • A sharing area of useful videos, images or sound files
  • A revision resource of facts to remember

Group self-selection

Lets participants create and select groups. Features:

  • Participant can create groups, give them a description and set them password protected, if wanted
  • Participants can select and join groups
  • Supervisors may be assigned to groups
  • Teacher can export course group list as a csv-file
  • Full compatibility with basic Moodle groups: groups may be created by other means if needed, supports group assignment submissions etc.

H5P Interactive Content

The H5P activity enables you to create interactive content such as Interactive Videos, Question Sets, Drag and Drop Questions, Multi-Choice Questions, Presentations and much more. 

In addition to being an authoring tool for rich content, H5P enables you to import and export H5P files for effective reuse and sharing of content.

User interactions and scores are tracked using xAPI and are available through the Moodle Gradebook. Note that it is currently possible for people with programming skills to cheat in H5P interactions and obtain the full score without knowing the correct answers. H5Ps must not be used for exams or similar.

You add interactive H5P content by creating content using the built-in authoring tool or uploading H5P files found on other H5P enabled sites.

For more information see the H5P content in Moodle for advanced users help page



The quiz activity enables a teacher to create quizzes comprising questions of various types, including multiple choice, matching, short-answer and numerical.

The teacher can allow the quiz to be attempted multiple times, with the questions shuffled or randomly selected from the question bank. A time limit may be set.

Each attempt is marked automatically, with the exception of essay questions, and the grade is recorded in the gradebook.

The teacher can choose when and if hints, feedback and correct answers are shown to students.

Quizzes may be used

  • As mini tests for reading assignments or at the end of a topic
  • As exam practice using questions from past exams
  • To deliver immediate feedback about performance
  • For self-assessment

Please note that Moodle quizzes should be used only for formative assessment and not as a summative test or a replacement for an exam 


The scheduler activity helps you in scheduling appointments with your students.

Teachers specify time slots for meetings, students then choose one of them on Moodle. Teachers in turn can record the outcome of the meeting - and optionally a grade - within the scheduler.

Group scheduling is supported; that is, each time slot can accommodate several students, and optionally it is possible to schedule appointments for entire groups at the same time.

Scheduler activities may be used for:

  • For booking tutorial slots
  • For arranging seminars times

Scheduled appointments show up on your Moodle calendar, which you can import into your Outlook calendar (though it will appear as a separate calendar, and you won't be able to push appointments from Outlook to Moodle).

For more information see the Schedule Tutorials help page


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