We have become aware that some lectures are being recorded for students by adding audio to PowerPoint. This is not something we recommend for the following reasons:
- Files may be too large to fit on Moodle
- Students may try to play it back on software other than PowerPoint and there is no guarantee how it will appear to them
- There are no stats on who has viewed the document
- It may take longer to troubleshoot issues if staff arent using the recommended methods
- Although it could be shared through OneDrive, you would need to manually give all students access to the document which will increase your workload.
What to do if you have already recorded your lecture through PowerPoint
- Read/watch the Panopto introduction
- Read/Watch Making a recording in Panopto
- Use the Panopto recorder and set it to record your screen and computer audio.
- Start recording and then play your PowerPoint through.
- You will then have a recording you can add to your moodle page.