Excel Quick Selection TechniquesIn Excel to highlight/select data you can "click and drag" around the data to select it, there are in fact several different ways you can highlight/select data a lot faster or more effciently. Esspecially when you have large ammounts of data.
Resizing Columns and Rows in ExcelThere are several ways to re-size a column or row, each has a specific use and will benefit you in different ways depending on what you wish to accomplish.
Click and drag a column or row header's boundary:To resize an individual column or row you can click...
Freeze PanesFreeze Panes can be used to lock specific columns or rows in place so that you may see them where-ever you are within the data.
In the view tab of the ribbon you will find the "freeze panes" drop down menu:
This menu...
Creating a TableWhen you input data into Excel it is initially a 'data array' and although it is perfectly fine to leave data in this format it is sometimes easier or better to convert it to Table for the following reasons;
Table data can be sorted and filtered faster and at the table...
What is a Mathematical operator?This page will guide you through using Excel to create basic mathematical operations. This is very similar to creating a function or formula except that we are not using the function's operative such as (=Sum) or (=Average) or...
Basic functions formulae (SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, MAX & MIN)This page will cover the 5 basic functions found in the auto-sum drop-down menu:
SUMSummation, the addition of a...
Relative cell references and absolute cell referencesCell references are used in almost all functions and they interact differently with the Auto-fill handle depending on what type of reference you have used:
The fill handle is shown when a cell is selected (by left clicking it), you will...
Wrap Text & Merge and CentreWrap TextMicrosoft Excel can wrap text so it appears on multiple lines in a cell. You can format the cell so the text wraps automatically, or enter a manual line break. But this will prevent you from a cell potentially taking up...
Format PainterChange font, style, point size and all formatting, in one go to match pre-existing text
Many times in Word you have copied and pasted something into your document only to find it is in a different font, size or is in bold or italics or some completely different format. Format...
How to create a Hanging Indent on your paragraphsNote about using the automatic referencing featuresThis guide will show you how you can create hanging indents that you may need to use in your referencing or simply to format your paragraphs throughout your document.
If however, you are...
SparklinesA sparkline is a small graphic designed to give a quick representation of numerical or statistical information within a piece of text, taking the form of a graph without axes. This is displayed within a single cell and can be used to visualise data when you don't have enough room or it...
IF functionsIf functions are used when we want to specify a criteria to limit our function to. For instance, if we were interested in values above a certain amount we could use =countIf in order to count the number of the values in a range, that are above a certain value. There are multiple...
Charts and GraphsCreate a chart
Select the data for which you want to create a chart.
Pivot TablesIntroduction to pivot tablesPivot tables can be used for many things however their best function is served by collating data for you. This is easier to create when the data is presented in log format. What we mean by this is that you should log each transaction individually and not...
Adding Chart ElementsWhen creating charts/graphs in Excel you may find that some labels are not added by default and must be added manually or are in an unsuitable place. Excel also allows for modification of these labels, as well as their placement. In this example i'm going to amend a pie...
Vlookup & HLookupExcel can use a function to lookup and retrieve data from a specific column or row within a table. Vlookup works to return back a column of data and Hlookup works to return a row of data instead, therefore the V stands for vertical lookup and the H, Horizontal lookup.
Track ChangesTrack changes can be used to lock a document. Any changes made to the document after it has been locked will feature in a list of 'tracked changes' that can be approved or denied. These are similar to comments but will update the original document if approved.
Turning on...
There are multiple ways of highlighting or removing duplicates from an Excel worksheet.
Conditional FormattingConditional formatting can be used to highlight duplicates ready for manual removal. This will use any formatting you select to overlay the data and show you any duplicates....
What is the Focused Mailbox?When focused mailbox mode is enabled it will split your Inbox into two Tabs:
Focused & Other High priority emails are directed to the Focused tab, whilst low priority emails like advertisements and generic newsletter items are directed to the "Other" Mailbox...
Displaying hidden formattingWord has many formatting symbols which are not immediately obvious and are hidden from view by default.
The following formatting options have no visibility unless the ¶ button is selected:Section breaks,Page breaks,Soft and Hard carriage...
Excel - Find and ReplaceFind and/or replace is a powerful feature that allows you to search for a text string within your data set. It will show you all of the times that Excel can see the text string in your document, allowing you to be taken to the next word by clicking the 'next' button. If...
Conditional Formatting
Conditional formatting is a feature that has a variety of uses. Mainly surrounding different ways of displaying data corresponding to the value found within the cell or range of data. This can help you visualise the data faster...
SparklinesA sparkline is a small graphic designed to give a quick representation of numerical or statistical information within a piece of text, taking the form of a graph without axes. This is displayed within a single cell and can be used to visualise data when you don't have enough room or it...
Charts and GraphsCreate a chart
Select the data for which you want to create a chart.
Vlookup & HLookupExcel can use a function to lookup and retrieve data from a specific column or row within a table. Vlookup works to return back a column of data and Hlookup works to return a row of data instead, therefore the V stands for vertical lookup and the H, Horizontal lookup.
There are multiple ways of highlighting or removing duplicates from an Excel worksheet.
Conditional FormattingConditional formatting can be used to highlight duplicates ready for manual removal. This will use any formatting you select to overlay the data and show you any duplicates....
Excel - Drop-down listsExcel has a feature that allows you to format a cell so that it may only contain certain answers you have specified. These will be displayed as a drop-down list that displays when a cell with the formatting on is selected. This is useful for removing things such as...
Pivot TablesIntroduction to pivot tablesPivot tables can be used for many things however their best function is served by collating data for you. This is easier to create when the data is presented in log format. What we mean by this is that you should log each transaction individually and not...
Excel provides a feature that is intended to split a single column of data into multiple columns. For instance, if you had a column of full names (first and last) and needed to separate these out into two columns:
Text to Columns'Text to columns' is found in the 'data'...
Flash fill and the fill handleThe fill handle can be used in a variety of ways that may save you time. From repeating sequences or repeating data to repeating a formula over a large area.
The fill handle is the name given to the green dot found on the bottom right corner of the selected...
Excel - Find and ReplaceFind and/or replace is a powerful feature that allows you to search for a text string within your data set. It will show you all of the times that Excel can see the text string in your document, allowing you to be taken to the next word by clicking the 'next' button. If...
Number Formatting in ExcelExcel can handle lots of different format types of numbers, but you must regularly choose what type of number format you wish to be expressed on the cells containing those numbers. If you don't, you may suffer problem when calculating functions or expressing the data in...
Resizing Columns and Rows in ExcelThere are several ways to re-size a column or row, each has a specific use and will benefit you in different ways depending on what you wish to accomplish.
Click and drag a column or row header's boundary:To resize an individual column or row you can click...
Freeze PanesFreeze Panes can be used to lock specific columns or rows in place so that you may see them where-ever you are within the data.
In the view tab of the ribbon you will find the "freeze panes" drop down menu:
This menu...
Creating a TableWhen you input data into Excel it is initially a 'data array' and although it is perfectly fine to leave data in this format it is sometimes easier or better to convert it to Table for the following reasons;
Table data can be sorted and filtered faster and at the table...
What is a Mathematical operator?This page will guide you through using Excel to create basic mathematical operations. This is very similar to creating a function or formula except that we are not using the function's operative such as (=Sum) or (=Average) or...
Excel TutorialsBelow are a list of Excel guides currently available, these are a work in progress and will be added to as time goes on. If however you have a need for a tutorial that doesn't exist yet then please email ITSkills@chi.ac.uk to request it.
Wrap Text & Merge and CentreWrap TextMicrosoft Excel can wrap text so it appears on multiple lines in a cell. You can format the cell so the text wraps automatically, or enter a manual line break. But this will prevent you from a cell potentially taking up...
Microsoft To Do overviewA smart daily plannerSet yourself up for success with My Day, intelligent and personalised suggestions to update your daily or weekly to do list. With both a Microsoft to do desktop app and mobile app available, it is easy to stay on task all day long....
How to Add Notes to your Presentation (Presenter View)While giving a PowerPoint Presentation you can make use of something called Presenter view, this mode allows the projector* to display your presentation full screen without your notes showing to the audience. The second monitor* will show a ...
Animation PaneThe Animation pane allows you to change the order objects animate in, without needing to remove and reapply animations.
The Animation pane can be found in the Animations tab of the ribbon:
When selected the animation pane open in the sidebar and will...
Adding an audio file to your presentationThere are two ways to add audio to a presentation:
1. Adding Audio already on your PC (saved)
2. Record Audio (record live)
To add a clip from your computerHave the audio file saved to the computer locally as an MP3 file - (if you have...
How to create a text boxPowerPoint will generally create placeholders for text and images on each new slide unless you choose a blank slide specifically. However, sometimes you will want to create your own. The insert text-box tool is available for this situation.
In the 'Insert' tab of...
PowerPoint - Zoom SlidesPowerPoint has a new feature which mimics the style of presentation of Prezzi, using one large slide to place all of the subsequent slides on. Throughout the presentation, these slides will be zoomed into when that slide is reached, giving the impression that the whole...
To change time zone for your office 365 account, you must first access your emails via mail.chi.ac.uk (otherwise known as the Office 365 portal). From your emails, click on the settings cog. This is found of the top right of the screen on the menu bar and then select "view all Outlook...
Managing your emails - Outlook training videosThis video series aims to highlight the features and tools of Outlook (Desktop App) that will help you to comply with your departmental file retention policies and data protection legislation. We have all become used to having powerful search features...
Automatic Table of ContentsWord has a feature that allows users to automatically generate an automatic table of contents, assuming that heading styles have been used. This table of contents supports different levels of indentation to highlight chapters and sub-chapters of the document itself. ...
StylesStyles can be quickly used to apply a formatting choice over a large area of a document. All text is initially created under the Normal style and will remain in this style unless Word is told otherwise. You can modify any existing style or create your own if there is not a pre-existing...
How to add a Section breakPage & Section breaks have multiple uses. They are most notably used to create different sections within the same document, so that you can apply a different page orientation, affect page numbers and different headers/footers per section.
You can find the...
Page numbering happens in the headers or footer of the document, making use of section breaks to indicate where page numbering will and will not be present. This guide will focus on adding page numbers from the beginning but will cover their usage afterwards.
Adding Page numbersOn the...
Creating a Table of Figures in Microsoft WordCaptions are useful for providing context to images, charts, and other illustrations in your document. A table of figures helps readers navigate these elements quickly by creating a table with all 'captions' in it as well as their page number. ...
Page View options, multiple windows and multiple page viewThis guide will show you the several types of views available within Microsoft Word that will be able to help you view your document the way you'd like to.
Word has several different ways you can view documents:
These can all...
Adding a CommentTo add a comment, first, highlight the text you want to comment on. Then, go to the "Review" tab in the ribbon and click on "New Comment." Type your comment in the box that appears:
Type out your comment and press Ctrl + Enter or click the 'Submit...
OneDrive is used to store files, folders, and photos in the 'cloud' (Online) so you can access them easily on multiple devices and share them with colleagues, or with people outside the university.
To access OneDrive login to Email/Office 365 then click OneDrive via the apps icon...
PowerPoint TutorialsLayouts, Design Theme and Slide Size
How to create a text box
Adding/editing shapes
ImagesAdding Images
Remove background (Images)
VideoEmbedding Videos
Adding Audio
Microsoft Office installation - student & staffYou are entitled to a free subscription to Microsoft Office for computers and mobile devices.
More information: Microsoft Office installation.
Dell Advantage - student & staffDell Advantage offers discounts on selected products...
What is SmartArt?Use SmartArt to quickly and easily make a visual representations of your information. You can choose from among many different layouts including: Lists...
Inserting ImagesAdding images to a slide is one the features of PowerPoint you will use most often. You can insert Images from multiple locations: On your computer, from the web or off of your clipboard:
Inserting an Image from your computerInside the 'Insert' tab of the menu ribbon, you...
How to Embed a YouTube Video In PowerPointThis page will show you how to embed an online video like YouTube in your PowerPoint Presentation.
1. Find the Youtube video you wish to embed in your Internet browser (on Youtube.com Website):
2. Select the URL (address)...
Word Tutorials Below are a list of Word guides currently available. If you have a need for a tutorial that doesn't exist yet then please email ITSkills@chi.ac.uk to request it.
Basic Document EditingStylesHow to show hidden formatting symbolsFormat PainterHow to...
How to add shapes and customise themImages and text boxes can be shaped into more than just a square that we start with, as PowerPoint allows for custom shapes. This guide will show the steps required first generate a shape and then to edit it.
Inserting a shape (to customise)Powerpoint...
PowerPoint has a feature which allows you to remove the background from an image. There are limitations such as needing a high-resolution, decent quality image and a clearly defined background/foreground, It still has many uses and can allow you to bypass the need for you to search for a 'cut-...
Basic functions formulae (SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, MAX & MIN)This page will cover the 5 basic functions found in the auto-sum drop-down menu:
SUMSummation, the addition of a...
Flash fill and the fill handleThe fill handle can be used in a variety of ways that may save you time. From repeating sequences or repeating data to repeating a formula over a large area.
The fill handle is the name given to the green dot found on the bottom right corner of the selected...
IF functionsIf functions are used when we want to specify a criteria to limit our function to. For instance, if we were interested in values above a certain amount we could use =countIf in order to count the number of the values in a range, that are above a certain value. There are multiple...
Relative cell references and absolute cell referencesCell references are used in almost all functions and they interact differently with the Auto-fill handle depending on what type of reference you have used:
The fill handle is shown when a cell is selected (by left clicking it), you will...
Excel TutorialsBelow are a list of Excel guides currently available, these are a work in progress and will be added to as time goes on. If however you have a need for a tutorial that doesn't exist yet then please email ITSkills@chi.ac.uk to request it.