Library resources

Learning Resources Centres (LRC)

Both campuses have a Learning Resources Centre offering the following facilities

  • Study areas
  • IT / teaching rooms
  • Books & journals
  • Printing facilities
  • Bookable areas for group work
  • A café

Drop-in support is available during opening hours from the Support & Information Zone (SIZ).

Please observe the LRC etiquette, noting that the study areas are zoned.

Feedback related to LRC services is welcomed on the whiteboards - located near the SIZ at Chichester, and on the 1st floor of the LRC at the Bognor Regis campus.

The LRC opening hours are available on the Help site.

LRC virtual tours

Take a virtual tour of our Learning Resources Centres - which covers topics such printer instructions,  library self-service machines, the library catalogue, and more

Illustrative image Chichester LRCVirtual tourLRC map location 
Illustrative image Bognor LRCVirtual tourLRC map location 

    Finding items in the library

    Subject support

    • Each subject has a dedicated subject librarian who can give specialist advice & information
    • Each course has a dedicated subject library Moodle page for news, guides, and links to subject specific resources
    • Each subject has ebooks, ejournals, and databases to support reading - further information can be found on the Library services Moodle page Illustrative image
    • Links to required course reading can be found on course Moodle pages & ChiReadingLists - type in the module name or code

    More information: Library eResourcesChiReadingLists

    Library help videos

    Library introduction

    Library catalogue tutorial


    Video guides

    Still need help?