IT account registration & password set

Note: if you’ve already completed your IT account registration via ChiView to get your University email address and set your password - you can skip to the next section Password manager.

To complete your IT account registration

  • Visit
  • Log on with the credentials you were emailed during your application Illustrative image
    - 7 digit applicant number (student number) e.g. 2310927
    - Password
    Note: you can use the 'forgotten your password' link if needed Illustrative image
  • Once logged on open 'My student page' Illustrative image

  • Click ‘IT account registration’ Illustrative image

  • Read the IT policy document, then click 'Next' Illustrative image

  • Click the 'password reset page' link Illustrative image
    Note: your personal email address must be correctly registered in ChiView to set your University password

  • Input your username then click 'Send Request' Illustrative image which emails you a reset link to your personal email address

  • Click the enclosed link in the email Illustrative image which is valid for 10 minutes

  • Create a password ensuring it conforms to the university's password policy Illustrative image
    Note: your password must be 8 to 16 characters, and include three of: uppercase characters, lowercase characters, numbers, and symbols. Your password cannot include your first name, last name, username, and cannot be a previously used password

  • Your username & password is used for ChiView, Email (Office 365), Moodle, and to log on to open-access computers

If you don’t have access to ChiView or have difficulties in setting this up, please contact the Support & Information Zone.

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