Watch the video guide for Sharing your recordings on Moodle
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In addition to text feedback, you're able to attach files (such as annotated Word documents) and link to online documents (such as files and videos saved in OneDrive and SharePoint).
1. Firstly, click on the Feedback icon next to the Mark and Grade boxes
...At the University of Chichester, we're committed to providing as best an experience for gaming as we can, whilst remaining within the confines of a secure environment for all staff and students.
To facilitate this, we have implemented a dual boot system, where-by computers in the BRC Tech...
Please review each section carefully:
*/ 1. Import your content from a previous years' Moodle pageMoodle allows you to move content from one page to another. You will need to have...
MAF (Module Accessment Feedback) Online is the University's platform for grading, marking and giving feedback for student summative assessments.
You can use MAF Online for:
Whether you are a student or member of University staff, many of our systems, software and services are available to access from offsite.
Useful links:When working off-campus for the first time, here are some useful links to University systems: University Links
Support for using our...You can use Microsoft Teams either from the Teams App or by using the web version. You will get the best user experience by using the Desktop App this is installed on all university computers.
If you are joining a meeting or lecture you will be prompted when you click on the meeting or...