The MAF feedback bank allows users to store text statements and documents to a ‘bank’ for future use. This could be helpful when there are blocks of text that you are likely to use repeatedly when giving feedback to students.
Adding to, and managing, the feedback bank
In ChiView, you will see a block entitled ‘MAF Feedback Bank’
To add text to the First Marker bank, click the button for ‘First Marker Feedback Bank’. You will then see a list of any items you have already added to this bank. In the columns to the right, you will see buttons to edit and delete each of these items, as illustrated below:
At the bottom right of this screen, there will be a button for ‘Add Item’. Select this to add new pieces of feedback to the bank:
You will then be greeted with a new menu:
(The top two drop-down boxes can be left as what they automatically display.)
You can then type in, or copy-and-paste the text you wish to save into the large free-text field. This needs to be plain text and not include any special characters (such as emojis). Foreign language characters are accepted.
Once complete, click the ‘More Details’ button. This will open a new menu.
In the ‘Description’ field, give the feedback a title. There is also an optional notes field.
Next, choose whether you wish this feedback text to be ‘Private’ or ‘Public’. Please note, setting it to ‘Public’ will make it available across the entire University. This may be useful if you are sharing this feedback with others in your department who may wish to use it. However, we envisage that in most cases this would be set to ‘Private’.
There is then an option to select whether the feedback is later editable or not, and by whom. Select the relevant option between ‘Editable’, ‘Not Editable’, and ‘Editable by Owner’.
Once you are finished, click ‘ok’, and this will close the menu window. Click ‘ok’ again on the remaining menu window. You will then see the feedback item in the list.
These items can then be edited or deleted, if necessary, using the ‘edit’ and ‘delete’ buttons.
First Marker Document Upload Feedback Bank
MAF also gives users the option to upload feedback to the bank which is in document format. To do this for first marker feedback, select the ‘First Marker Document Upload Feedback Bank’ button.
Any items you have already uploaded will display here. To add a new item, select ‘Add Item’. The top two drop-down menus can be left as what they automatically display.
Select ‘Browse My Computer’ and navigate to the item you wish to upload and select it by double-clicking. (Documents must be under 30mb and be .pdf, .mp3, Excel or Word.) Once you have done that, click ‘Upload’.
Once complete, click the ‘More Details’ button. This will open a new menu.
In the ‘Description’ field, give the feedback a title. There is also an optional notes field.
Next, choose whether you wish this feedback text to be ‘Private’ or ‘Public’. Please note, setting it to ‘Public’ will make it available across the entire University. This may be useful if you are sharing this feedback to others in your department who may wish to use it. However, we envisage that in most cases this would be set to ‘Private’.
There is then an option to select whether the feedback is later editable or not, and by who. Select the relevant option between ‘Editable’, ‘Not Editable’, and ‘Editable by Owner’.
Once you are finished, click ‘ok’, and this will close the menu window. Click ‘ok’ again on the remaining menu window. You will then see the feedback item in the list.
Second Marker Feedback Bank
To add text or documents to the Second Marker Feedback Bank, please select the relevant Second Marker option button(s), and then follow the same instructions as described for the First Marker Feedback Bank. Please note that Second Marking is only applicable to dissertation-level modules.
Using Banked Feedback
When you are on the ‘add feedback’ screen, you will see two buttons at the bottom of the menu. One of these is titled ‘Choose from Bank’.
If selecting ‘choose from bank’, you will be given a menu of items in the feedback bank. You can choose the relevant one by using the ‘select’ button in the right-hand column.
Please be aware that using banked feedback will clear whatever is written in the text box. It is advisable in this scenario to copy-and-paste the text currently in the text box into a Word document or blank email, to paste back in after, to avoid loss of the text.