I can’t post feedback matrix/grids into the feedback text box? | This will be resolved with the HTML editor addition post April 2025. |
I can’t edit documents once uploaded | This is correct, but was also was not possible in the previous MAF. Documents can be edited then re-uploaded. |
I can't see student names in "marks and feedback by assessment" view. | This was a Project Board decision |
Navigation is particularly time-consuming with large cohorts – I think being able to save settings will help with this | Save settings/preferences is now live. Navigation has been improved as much as possible within the constraints of the system |
Assessors can’t download copies of feedback uploaded by another assessor | This will be possible after Easter |
Is there a spell check function? | No, but your internet browser will likely have a built-in spell check for HTML text |
I would like to be able to see both the students’ names and ID numbers when they input the marks/feedback, and not just the name or just the ID number. | The Project Board agreed that names would not be shown. However, this will be reviewed in future. |
For the final year Projects module, there is only the option to input the 1st and 2nd markers’ agreed marks/feedback, and not for both markers to be able to input separate marks and feedback and then come to an agreed mark? | This will be resolved in the new field and functionality that will allow this which will be available in April |
For all non-dissertation/final year project modules, is it possible to ensure that moderation has been completed before the marks/feedback are released? | The system is designed to be flexible to accommodate different working styles across departments. We are aware, for example, that some departments release marks to students prior to moderation and so this would be down to an agreement in the department around timing for this rather than a system constraint |