Equipment Loans

Equipment Loans

You can borrow a variety of equipment using your campus card at both the SIZ desks, and at the Equipment Loans counter at Chichester.

SIZ desks

The following equipment is available from the Chichester SIZ or Bognor SIZ at the LRCs

  • Cameras
  • Video cameras - Bognor SIZ only
  • Digital dictaphones
  • Podcast recorders
  • Projectors
  • Hard drives
  • and more

Equipment Loans counter

Further equipment is available at the Equipment Loans counter - located in the Academic Building on the Chichester campus

  • DSLR Cameras
  • Video cameras
  • Tripods
  • Sound
  • Lighting
  • Extension reels
  • Projector screens
  • and more

Following equipment training - students on certain courses will have access to specialist loan items.

Here are links to the Equipment Loans counter opening hours, and a comprehensive list of equipment available.

Video guides

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