The Support & Information Zone

The Support and Information Zone (SIZ) is your first point of contact for many University services and is available for extended hours, weekdays and weekends.

The SIZ is our main reception area and is physically located within our Learning Resource Centres on both campuses, but is also accessible via telephone and email.

You will find friendly supportive staff able to assist with many aspects of University life, including: general IT and library support, guest IT accounts, queries relating to Academic Registry or finance and appointment bookings for a full range of student support services (careers, disability and dyslexia support, international and financial support, counselling and health) 

Contact the SIZ

There are several ways to contact the SIZ service:

  • (01243 81) 6222
  • Online: Support Me through Moodle or Staff Intranet
  • In person: SIZ counter, Learning Resource Centres
  • Find us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

Head of Service: Vito Mastrolonardo


Complaints Policy
Lost Property Guide
LRC Code of Conduct
SIZ Engagement Strategy
SIZ Equipment Borrowing:Terms & Conditions
Customer Services Charter
LRC Usage Policy
SIZ Confidentiality Statement
Customer Service Standards
LRC Promotional and Advertising Guidelines