Click either the Chichester or Bognor link below to see a list of rooms at the University used by students or staff.
The list includes links to map locations, PDF room instructions for IT equipment, and 360 degree draggable room photos.
Service Delivery (Classtech) support the use of...
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This workflow outlines how you can use Microsoft Teams to record your videos and how you can store and share them.
There is a team of professional librarians at each campus who provide specialist support, deliver information skills training and manage the library resources in their subject areas. Contact a member of the library team by using the details below or phone the Support and Information Zone (SIZ)...
Select which module to moderate.png
Whilst students like a consistent experience, we understand that staff have their own ways of marking, grading and giving feedback; we believe that our workflow allows for both.
ema.jpg Click...The similarity shows the percentage of text which has been recognised as unoriginal.
You can view the originality report by going to your submission and clicking on the similarity...
To allow External Examiners access to module information, assessment requirements and samples of student work, you will need to do the following:
Watch the video guide for Sharing your recordings on Moodle
In addition to text feedback, you're able to attach files (such as annotated Word documents) and link to online documents (such as files and videos saved in OneDrive and SharePoint).
1. Firstly, click on the Feedback icon next to the Mark and Grade boxes