In order to help us protect the environment and reduce our carbon footprint, we will be ebcouraging everyone to use china plates and cutlery at Otters Restaurants. Or alternatively, you can bring your own reusable...
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You will have £9.10 per day during the week and £4.50 per day on weekends
Where can I use my card?Cards can be used on both campuses at Otters Restaurant, Costa and Starbucks
What can I buy...Deli wrap, baguette or sandwich, + Full hot meal voucher, + Postmix drink - £9.10
Hot dinner + simple sandwhich or pastry + 2 snacks (choose from Walkers crisps, Milkyway, piece of fruit and a cookie) + 1 drink (choose from standard bottled still or sparkling water or flavoured water) - £9.10
You can access your timetable in Publish. You will find a link in either Moodle or ChiView.
Moodle and ChiViewIn Moodle there is a timetable option in the menu. Once expanded you will see a link to Teaching Timetables.
In ChiView, once you are logged in, you will...
October Events
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Help and support after sexual assault
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When you first access MAF Online, you'll be shown a list of the modules you've been given to mark. If you are the module coordinator, you'll automatically have access to the module and will be able to add additional markers.