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This page shows how to check which version of operating system you have for iOS (iPhone/iPad), Android, Apple Mac (OS X), and Windows.
iOS (iPhone/iPad)How to check which iOS version you have:
If you are a staff member you will be able to change your voicemail preferences within the Teams app. You will be able to change if your number simultaneously 'also rings' another group or individual or what happens when a call is unanswered and the length of time before the voicemail...
Media Students and Staff have access to additional storage, depending on the module and/or projects they are working on.
It can be found at the following locations:
From Windows:
Opening "This PC" and selecting "DCI Storage". If for any reason this option is not present...
Word has a feature that allows users to automatically generate an automatic table of contents, assuming that heading styles have been used. This table of contents supports different levels of indentation to highlight chapters and sub-chapters of the document itself. ...
Styles can be quickly used to apply a formatting choice over a large area of a document. All text is initially created under the Normal style and will remain in this style unless Word is told otherwise. You can modify any existing style or create your own if there is not a pre-existing...
Page & Section breaks have multiple uses. They are most notably used to create different sections within the same document, so that you can apply a different page orientation, affect page numbers and different headers/footers per section.
You can find the...
Page numbering happens in the headers or footer of the document, making use of section breaks to indicate where page numbering will and will not be present. This guide will focus on adding page numbers from the beginning but will cover their usage afterwards.
Adding Page numbersOn the...
Captions are useful for providing context to images, charts, and other illustrations in your document. A table of figures helps readers navigate these elements quickly by creating a table with all 'captions' in it as well as their page number. ...
This guide will show you the several types of views available within Microsoft Word that will be able to help you view your document the way you'd like to.
Word has several different ways you can view documents:
These can all...