Origin is a video game digital distribution platform developed by Electronic Arts. This platform is used by the university to install certain items of software from games to applications. To access this platform, you must have an account. If you already have one you may sign in...
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When focused mailbox mode is enabled it will split your Inbox into two Tabs:
Focused & OtherHigh priority emails are directed to the Focused tab, whilst low priority emails like advertisements and generic newsletter items are directed to the "Other" Mailbox...
A blog consists of diary-style text entries or posts, for this we use WordPress. Usually posts are displayed most recent first, at the top of the page. There are a number of educational uses for blogs such as posting work, reflective writing, class discussion, online diary of development,...
Steam is a video game digital distribution platform developed by Valve Corporation. This platform is used by the university to install certain items of software from games to applications. To access this platform, you must have an account. If you already have one you may sign in...
On desktops, laptops, and Surface devices press Ctrl+Alt+i on the keyboard to display the serial number on the screen (it is sometimes called the computer name or referred to as the service tag).
On desktops, the white sticker (usually on the top of the...
To set up remote access to your University files choose the operating system you will be using to access the files (e.g. that one that is running on your home machine or laptop) and follow the instructions:
To use SPSS on personal devices you will need to follow installation instructions here https://help.chi.ac.uk/accessing-university-desktops-home-remote-access
Once you have completed that process you can access SPSS as if you were on campus:
If you have any difficulties...
This page shows how to check which version of operating system you have for iOS (iPhone/iPad), Android, Apple Mac (OS X), and Windows.
iOS (iPhone/iPad)How to check which iOS version you have:
Media Students and Staff have access to additional storage, depending on the module and/or projects they are working on.
It can be found at the following locations:
From Windows:
Opening "This PC" and selecting "DCI Storage". If for any reason this option is not present...
The Accessibility Tool in Moodle allows you to set the colour scheme, font style, readability and text size in Moodle. These settings apply only to you and do not affect how anyone else views the pages.
To access the accessibility tools:
OneDrive is used to store files, folders, and photos in the 'cloud' (Online) so you can access them easily on multiple devices and share them with colleagues, or with people outside the university.
How can I access my OneDrive Quickly?OneDrive can be accessed in your web...
Microsoft Teams allows you to set up online meetings with up to 350 people.
Tip! Setting your meeting so that everyone can by...