The University of Chichester requires all written assignments to be submitted as electronic copy into the module's Moodle page. Once submitted to the Assignment activity in Moodle, it will be checked by a service called Turnitin, where an Originality Report...
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The forum activity allows participants of a Module to post comments as part of a thread. Files such as images and media maybe included in forum posts.
Module Evaluation Feedback can be done online, this saves a lot of hours of work collating questionnaire answers and saves paper.
If you are concerned that students will not fill in the questionnaire if it is online, then allow a little time in the lecture as you would with a paper...
Hybrid Teaching is where timetabled teaching is delivered where participants (tutors and/or students) are at the same time in the classroom and online. The hybrid model of teaching and learning uses both online and in-person options in a purposeful way. Not only does this model give increased...
Salmon's (2011) Five Stage Model - Student Engagement in Blended Learning (Accessible version)
Microsoft has a great collection of help pages for how to get the most out of Microsoft Stream.
Getting startedIn most instances, creating chapters is a faster and easier way to help your viewers quickly reach the important parts of your recordings. Rather than editing out sections (where perhaps you all went off on a coffee break), it could be quicker to add a chapter for when...
There are a number of key roles in Moodle these are:
Module coordinator roleThe Module coordinator has overall responsibility for the module. However they may not necessarily be the person or people delivering the module if there is more than one lecturer or if they are overseeing...
New Moodle pages are created for each module occurrence each year, each page will have one person automatically enrolled, this is the module co-ordinator.
Please make sure that ChiView has been updated with any changes to module coordinators (more information on Module Coordinator...