Submitted PDF files can be downloaded and annotated in the Microsoft Edge browser:
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Here are a number of useful features, tips and reminders for you during the online marking process
Dyslexia StickersWhen marking assignments, please make sure that you are checking for the dyslexia icon. This appears alongside the student ID when you are viewing the submissions...
There are two ways that you can download submissions:
You can do this one by one by clicking on the file name
Or to download all at the same time, at the top under Grading action, choose Download all submissions.
If you find yourself writing the same piece of text again and again you can save it in the statement bank.
To build statements, on the front page, click statement bank, you can then build...
To create a template, in the MAF links, click add a new template.
Give your template a name, and then in the text box you can build your template using the editing options along the top...
If you have created feedback as a file or as a video or piece of audio in OneDrive/Stream then you can link to that in MAF.
To add a file, in the markers editing page you have an option near the top in the blue box to choose a file
Click the choose file button,...
If you are recorded in ChiView as being the module coordinator, you'll have automatic access to the module in MAF Online. You will be responsible for adding additional markers.
Enter Marks and Feedback Enter marks and feedback2.png
Choose module screen
When you first access MAF Online, you'll be shown a list of the modules you've been given to mark. If you are the module coordinator, you'll automatically have access to the module and will be able to add additional markers.