
Inserting Images

Adding images to a slide is one the features of Powerpoint you will use most often. You can insert Images from multiple locations: On your computer, from the web or off of your clipboard:

Inserting an Image from your computer

Inside the 'Insert' tab of the menu ribbon, you will see 'Pictures:  Illustrative image

This will open file explorer where you can then select a picture from one of the folders on your computer. Select the image with a left-click and then press 'Insert':  Illustrative image


Inserting an Image from the Web

Inside the 'Insert tab' of the menu ribbon, you will then see 'Online pictures':  Illustrative image

You will then be able to search for an image using a keyword or phrase or search from categories available.: Illustrative image

If you wish to add an image from elsewhere on the web, please follow section 2b below.



Copying an image from the web (using your Internet browser, - Chrome - Edge - Safari)



Find the image you wish to copy in your Internet browser,

when you have found the image right-click the image and select "copy image" from the subsequent menu:  Illustrative image

you will then be able to return to PowerPoint and right-click your slide to select the Clipboard icon to paste your image onto the slide:  Illustrative image



Find the image you wish to copy in your Internet browser,

when you have found the image right-click the image and select "copy" from the subsequent menu: Illustrative image

you will then be able to return to PowerPoint and right-click your slide to select the Clipboard icon to paste your image onto the slide:  Illustrative image



Find the image you wish you insert into your presentation in your browser. 

when you have found the image Command (Cmd) & left-click on the image or Right-click the image to bring up a menu, then select 'Copy image':  Illustrative image

This will copy the image to your clipboard, you will then be able to return to PowerPoint and paste the image to your slide with the hotkey 'CMD +V', Or right-clicking and selecting paste.

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