Second marking

  • Second marking is only available for Dissertations
  • You will not see the option to add Second Marker feedback or grades for anything other than dissertations

Second Markers will access the module in the same way as a First Marker.

  1. They will be able to view the First Marker grade, mark and feedback
  2. They will be able to add their own mark and feedback


  • Select the Feedback button to add second marker feedback


  • This will show First Marker feedback. Select Add feedback


  • From the Feedback type drop-down:
    • Select Second Marker Feedback when typing in feedback text [the student will be able to see this]
    • Select Second Marker - Mark/Grade when typing in your mark [the student will not be able to see this]


  • Once completed, you will be able to review, edit and delete all sections
    • First Marker Feedback
    • Second Marker Feedback
    • Second Marker - Mark/Grade




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