Adding marks and feedback


Enter Marks and Feedback

  1. Add a mark in the Mark box
    1. A 0 (zero) mark will default to grade ZZ. Please update the Grade appropriately: NS (non-submission), X (extension), F (fail) or IN (investigation)
  2. The grade field will update automatically, except for a 0, see above
  3. Select the speech bubble to add feedback
    1. If the speech bubble is green, it means that feedback has already been saved. 
  4. Save marks. Make sure you click this before exiting the screen
  5. Exit will take you back to the assessments, the modules or back to ChiView

Adding feedback text


  • By default, it'll be set for Text feedback
    • Select Document to add attachment files
  • The Feedback type will default to First Marker Feedback unless it is a dissertation, where second marker options will be available
  • Enter your text feedback into the feedback box and select OK to save

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