The Accessibility Tool in Moodle allows you to set the colour scheme, font style, readability and text size in Moodle. These settings apply only to you and do not affect how anyone else views the pages.
To access the accessibility tools:
The Accessibility Tool in Moodle allows you to set the colour scheme, font style, readability and text size in Moodle. These settings apply only to you and do not affect how anyone else views the pages.
To access the accessibility tools:
We welcome feedback about our services (Library, IT, SIZ, PrintShop, Equipment Loans).
If you have any comments or suggestions, please complete the feedback questionnaire.
If you know that you are working with someone who is deaf or hard of hearing, please make sure you discuss with them how they like to work and if they have any specific requirements.
Whilst not everyone is the same, here are some good general tips:
Communication tips:SensusAccess automatically converts documents into a range of alternate media including audio books (MP3 and DAISY), e-books (EPUB, EPUB3 and Mobi) and digital Braille. The service can also be used to convert inaccessible documents such as image-only PDF files, JPG pictures and Microsoft...
If you require any advice on Copyright law please contact your Librarian or refer to the Library Copyright for staff and students Moodle page
However, if you are looking for an image or other media for Moodle or your PowerPoints etc, there are a number of places that are under the Creative...
As a University we have a duty to make reasonable adjustments[1] to enable you to fully participate in your studies. The Student Additional Requirements Agreement (SARA) is a formal record of the reasonable adjustments agreed between you and...
Please visit the Wellbeing website for more details of the services on offer:
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Before you leave either University campus with a University laptop we recommend that you sign into the laptop once. This is to ensure that your profile is loaded onto the laptop so you can be authenticated whilst off-campus.
Staying Safe and Cyber SecurityPlease...
Version number:
Policy owner:
The University of Chichester
Effective date:
04/04/2024 (reviewed annually)
IT Privacy and Monitoring Policy1. Policy Statement1.1. The Electronic Information Security...
A Shared Mailbox is an email account that does not have a network account password and there is no account to log in with to make changes. Unlike Generic accounts, where permissions management...