Find and/or replace is a powerful feature that allows you to search for a text string within your data set. It will show you all of the times that Excel can see the text string in your document, allowing you to be taken to the next word by clicking the 'next' button. If...
Search results
Excel can handle lots of different format types of numbers, but you must regularly choose what type of number format you wish to be expressed on the cells containing those numbers. If you don't, you may suffer problem when calculating functions or expressing the data in...
The SORT function sorts the contents of a range or array.
In this example we are sorting an array of sales which currently unordered. When =SORT(B3:E51) is used we will see the array now sorted by the first column, in this case A-Z of the Item column:
...The FILTER function allows you to filter a range of data based on criteria you define.
arrayThe array or range to filterincludeThe array from which you'd like to filter results by[if_empty] (optional)The value to return if all...There are several ways to re-size a column or row, each has a specific use and will benefit you in different ways depending on what you wish to accomplish.
Click and drag a column or row header's boundary:To resize an individual column or row you can click...
Freeze Panes can be used to lock specific columns or rows in place so that you may see them where-ever you are within the data.
In the view tab of the ribbon you will find the "freeze panes" drop down menu:
This menu...
When you input data into Excel it is initially a 'data array' and although it is perfectly fine to leave data in this format it is sometimes easier or better to convert it to Table for the following reasons;
This page will guide you through using Excel to create basic mathematical operations. This is very similar to creating a function or formula except that we are not using the function's operative such as (=Sum) or (=Average) or...
Below are a list of Excel guides currently available, these are a work in progress and will be added to as time goes on. If however you have a need for a tutorial that doesn't exist yet then please email to request it.
Microsoft Excel can wrap text so it appears on multiple lines in a cell. You can format the cell so the text wraps automatically, or enter a manual line break. But this will prevent you from a cell potentially taking up...