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Here are a number of useful features, tips and reminders for you during the online marking process
Dyslexia StickersWhen marking assignments, please make sure that you are checking for the dyslexia icon. This appears alongside the student ID when you are viewing the submissions...
There are two ways that you can download submissions:
You can do this one by one by clicking on the file name
Or to download all at the same time, at the top under Grading action, choose Download all submissions.
How to give access
To allow External Examiners access to module information, assessment requirements and samples of student work, you will need to do the following:
This guide has been setup to support you when preparing your Moodle pages for the new semester.
Please review each section carefully:
*/ 1. Import your content from a previous years' Moodle pageMoodle allows you to move content from one page to another. You will need to have...