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The Microsoft Immersive Reader is a free tool, built into Word, OneNote, Outlook, Microsoft Teams, Forms, and the Edge browser, that implement proven techniques to improve reading and writing for people regardless of their age or ability.
Whiteboard is a new application available alongside Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Teams. It can be used online via a browser and via a...
If you are a staff member you will be able to change your voicemail preferences within the Teams app. You will be able to change if your number simultaneously 'also rings' another group or individual or what happens when a call is unanswered and the length of time before the voicemail...
OneDrive is used to store files, folders, and photos in the 'cloud' (Online) so you can access them easily on multiple devices and share them with colleagues, or with people outside the university.
How can I access my OneDrive Quickly?OneDrive can be accessed in your web...
Microsoft Teams allows you to set up online meetings with up to 350 people.
Tip! Setting your meeting so that everyone can by...