Origin is a video game digital distribution platform developed by Electronic Arts. This platform is used by the university to install certain items of software from games to applications. To access this platform, you must have an account. If you already have one you may sign in...
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When focused mailbox mode is enabled it will split your Inbox into two Tabs:
Focused & OtherHigh priority emails are directed to the Focused tab, whilst low priority emails like advertisements and generic newsletter items are directed to the "Other" Mailbox...
The Accessibility Tool in Moodle allows you to set the colour scheme, font style, readability and text size in Moodle. These settings apply only to you and do not affect how anyone else views the pages.
To access the accessibility tools:
OneDrive is used to store files, folders, and photos in the 'cloud' (Online) so you can access them easily on multiple devices and share them with colleagues, or with people outside the university.
How can I access my OneDrive Quickly?OneDrive can be accessed in your web...
Microsoft Teams allows you to set up online meetings with up to 350 people.
Tip! Setting your meeting so that everyone can by...