Excel can handle lots of different format types of numbers, but you must regularly choose what type of number format you wish to be expressed on the cells containing those numbers. If you don't, you may suffer problem when calculating functions or expressing the data in...
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There are several ways to re-size a column or row, each has a specific use and will benefit you in different ways depending on what you wish to accomplish.
Click and drag a column or row header's boundary:To resize an individual column or row you can click...
When you input data into Excel it is initially a 'data array' and although it is perfectly fine to leave data in this format it is sometimes easier or better to convert it to Table for the following reasons;
This page will guide you through using Excel to create basic mathematical operations. This is very similar to creating a function or formula except that we are not using the function's operative such as (=Sum) or (=Average) or...
Below are a list of Excel guides currently available, these are a work in progress and will be added to as time goes on. If however you have a need for a tutorial that doesn't exist yet then please email ITSkills@chi.ac.uk to request it.
Microsoft Excel can wrap text so it appears on multiple lines in a cell. You can format the cell so the text wraps automatically, or enter a manual line break. But this will prevent you from a cell potentially taking up...
While giving a PowerPoint Presentation you can make use of something called Presenter view, this mode allows the projector* to display your presentation full screen without your notes showing to the audience. The second monitor* will show a ...
The Animation pane allows you to change the order objects animate in, without needing to remove and reapply animations.
The Animation pane can be found in the Animations tab of the ribbon:
When selected the animation pane open in the sidebar and will...
There are two ways to add audio to a presentation:
1. Adding Audio already on your PC (saved)
2. Record Audio (record live)
To add a clip from your computerHave the audio file saved to the computer locally as an MP3 file - (if you have...
PowerPoint will generally create placeholders for text and images on each new slide unless you choose a blank slide specifically. However, sometimes you will want to create your own. The insert text-box tool is available for this situation.
In the 'Insert' tab of...