While giving a PowerPoint Presentation you can make use of something called Presenter view, this mode allows the projector* to display your presentation full screen without your notes showing to the audience. The second monitor* will show a ...
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Users who work in several departments will usually have separate costcodes to assign their printing to so that the relevant departmental budget is charged correctly.
If you are a user with multiple cost centres applied to your printing account then go the printer as usual. The device will...
The University of Chichester Library Services are based in the Learning Resource Centres (LRCs) on both of our campuses. There is a team of professional librarians at each campus who provide specialist support, deliver information skills training and manage the library resources in their subject...
Adding images to a slide is one the features of PowerPoint you will use most often. You can insert Images from multiple locations: On your computer, from the web or off of your clipboard:
Inserting an Image from your computerInside the 'Insert' tab of the menu ribbon, you...
PowerPoint has a feature which allows you to remove the background from an image. There are limitations such as needing a high-resolution, decent quality image and a clearly defined background/foreground, It still has many uses and can allow you to bypass the need for you to search for a 'cut-...