A sparkline is a small graphic designed to give a quick representation of numerical or statistical information within a piece of text, taking the form of a graph without axes. This is displayed within a single cell and can be used to visualise data when you don't have enough room or it...
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When creating charts/graphs in Excel you may find that some labels are not added by default and must be added manually or are in an unsuitable place. Excel also allows for modification of these labels, as well as their placement. In this example i'm going to amend a pie...
Excel can use a function to lookup and retrieve data from a specific column or row within a table. Vlookup works to return back a column of data and Hlookup works to return a row of data instead, therefore the V stands for vertical lookup and the H, Horizontal lookup.
...There are multiple ways of highlighting or removing duplicates from an Excel worksheet.
Conditional FormattingConditional formatting can be used to highlight duplicates ready for manual removal. This will use any formatting you select to overlay the data and show you any duplicates....
Excel has a feature that allows you to format a cell so that it may only contain certain answers you have specified. These will be displayed as a drop-down list that displays when a cell with the formatting on is selected. This is useful for removing things such as...
Pivot tables can be used for many things however their best function is served by collating data for you. This is easier to create when the data is presented in log format. What we mean by this is that you should log each transaction individually and not...
Excel provides a feature that is intended to split a single column of data into multiple columns. For instance, if you had a column of full names (first and last) and needed to separate these out into two columns:
Text to Columns'Text to columns' is found in the 'data'...
Find and/or replace is a powerful feature that allows you to search for a text string within your data set. It will show you all of the times that Excel can see the text string in your document, allowing you to be taken to the next word by clicking the 'next' button. If...
The SORT function sorts the contents of a range or array.
In this example we are sorting an array of sales which currently unordered. When =SORT(B3:E51) is used we will see the array now sorted by the first column, in this case A-Z of the Item column: