While giving a PowerPoint Presentation you can make use of something called Presenter view, this mode allows the projector* to display your presentation full screen without your notes showing to the audience. The second monitor* will show a ...
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The University of Chichester Library Services are based in the Learning Resource Centres (LRCs) on both of our campuses. There is a team of professional librarians at each campus who provide specialist support, deliver information skills training and manage the library resources in their subject...
Adding images to a slide is one the features of PowerPoint you will use most often. You can insert Images from multiple locations: On your computer, from the web or off of your clipboard:
Inserting an Image from your computerInside the 'Insert' tab of the menu ribbon, you...
PowerPoint has a feature which allows you to remove the background from an image. There are limitations such as needing a high-resolution, decent quality image and a clearly defined background/foreground, It still has many uses and can allow you to bypass the need for you to search for a 'cut-...