A sparkline is a small graphic designed to give a quick representation of numerical or statistical information within a piece of text, taking the form of a graph without axes. This is displayed within a single cell and can be used to visualise data when you don't have enough room or it...
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Pivot tables can be used for many things however their best function is served by collating data for you. This is easier to create when the data is presented in log format. What we mean by this is that you should log each transaction individually and not...
When creating charts/graphs in Excel you may find that some labels are not added by default and must be added manually or are in an unsuitable place. Excel also allows for modification of these labels, as well as their placement. In this example i'm going to amend a pie...
Track changes can be used to lock a document. Any changes made to the document after it has been locked will feature in a list of 'tracked changes' that can be approved or denied. These are similar to comments but will update the original document if approved.
Turning on...
There are multiple ways of highlighting or removing duplicates from an Excel worksheet.
Conditional FormattingConditional formatting can be used to highlight duplicates ready for manual removal. This will use any formatting you select to overlay the data and show you any duplicates....
When focused mailbox mode is enabled it will split your Inbox into two Tabs:
Focused & OtherHigh priority emails are directed to the Focused tab, whilst low priority emails like advertisements and generic newsletter items are directed to the "Other" Mailbox...
Access to the Business School Webserver is provided by a username and password sent to you in an email. If you don't have an email with these details, and you feel you should have access, then please log a support call at https://supportme.chi.ac.uk or speak with your lecturer.
In your...
The following formatting options have no visibility unless the ¶ button is selected:
Create a chart
Select the data for which you want to create a chart.