Share - completed by the person sharing their calendar
1. From Outlook calendar you can access the sharing invitation in two ways. Both take you to the same window:
- Either select the Share Calendar button in the ribbon
- Or right click on your calendar and select Share then Share Calendar
2. Whichever method you choose, the Sharing Invitation window will open. It looks like an email
3. In the To field, enter the email address of the person you want to share your calendar with
You can request permission to view their calendar by checking the relevant box
4. Choose the level of access you want to give to the person you are sharing with
More information about these levels is displayed underneath when you highlight one5. If you want to, enter a message in the box, as you would an email
6. And Send
A message asks you to confirm you want to share your calendar, select OK
Accessing a shared calendar - completed by the person the calendar has been shared with
When a colleague has shared a calendar, the person they have chosen to share it with will receive an email notification
When the recipient clicks on the Open this Calendar button
, the shared calendar is added underneath their ownWhen the box next to the shared calendar is checked you can view it next to yours
or as an overlay