Remote access to Mendeley

Accessing desktop Mendeley on a personal computer

  1. Go to  and download the software.
  2. Follow the instructions under Register for an account.

Creating an online account 

  1. Go to and download the software
  2. Click on “Create a free account”. If you already have a desktop account, go to sign in top right-hand corner and enter your details.
  3. Do NOT choose institutional sign in option.
  4. Click on "Library" (in the tabs at the top of the page) to view your Mendeley library.
  5. Sync your account using the desktop Mendeley icon  Illustrative image . This means that anything you add to either the desktop or online library will be added to both.
  6. When using the Web Importer to import references, you will be asked to sign in to your online library.




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