- Link to Student Room Bookings
- Link to Staff Room Bookings
- Log in with your University username and password
- There are three areas to make selections: room, date, and time
- In the room selection, choose the capacity of the room you require as well as the campus. You can then click on the view filtered rooms button to view the rooms that will be included in your search (they may not have availability for the day / time you need) You can alter the criteria to view a different selection.
. - Once you have completed the room, date, and time information click Next
- You will be shown the rooms that have availability. To book, check the radio button next to the room and click Next (If no rooms were returned, select the Back button in the system - not the browser back button - to change your criteria )
- Enter the requested information on the ‘confirm your booking’ page and select Next
- The booking will be provisionally made; however, you will receive and email confirmation when the booking has been processed.
You can subsequently manage your bookings, including seeing an overview of the rooms you have booked as well as cancelling a booking, from the my bookings option at the bottom of the main page
Please note: Web room booking - FAQs gives more details about room bookings, and a video guide to using the system.