Centralised Groups have been set up in Outlook to assist with sending email to the wider University community. Membership of these groups automatically updates to reflect leavers and starters.
The centralised staff email groups in Outlook’s address book follow a naming convention: DepartmentNameDeptEmail. Group email addresses also follow a convention: staff_deptname@chi.ac.uk
Group Name: ITServicesDeptEmail
Email Address: Staff_ITServices@chi.ac.uk
Group Name: FinanceDeptEmail
Email Address: Staff_Finance@chi.ac.uk
Group Name: FacultyDeptEmail (Academic Staff)
Email Address: Staff_Faculty@chi.ac.uk
Group Name: Support Staff
Email Address: Staff_Support@chi.ac.uk
You may notice other groups in the address book that are named differently. These have been set up for a specific purpose by an individual member of staff and the group made publicly available by them. These groups are likely to have an email address containing mailadmin. They are not automatically updated to reflect leavers and starters.
Sending Emails: All staff are able to send an email to a group they are part of.
In addition, heads of department and staff who have been authorised by their head of department are able to email other groups, including top level ones that are an amalgamation of other groups.
Office 365
1. Start a new email
2. Click on the Bcc field to open the address search
3. Click on the double arrow to the left
4. Under Directory, select All Distribution Lists
5. In the Search box, type staff_ and click the search icon. A list of staff groups (for academic departments and professional services) will be returned
6. Select the group you want to email by clicking on the plus icon to the right of the name, and then select Save
7. You will be returned to your email and the group name will show in the Bcc field. You will be able to see how many recipients are in the group
Note: If you do not have permission to send an email to this group, a message will be displayed above the To field
1. Open a new email
2. Click the Bcc field to open the Address Book
3. In the Address Book window, set the following
- Next to Search, check the More columns radio button
- In the Address Book dropdown select Global Address List
- In the Search box type Staff_
4. Select Go and a list of staff groups (for academic departments and professional services) will be returned
5. Highlight the group you want to email and click the Bcc field, then OK
6. You will be returned to your email and the group name will show in the Bcc field. You will be able to see how many recipients are in the group
Note: If you do not have permission to send an email to this group, a message will be displayed above the To field