Transcribing audio from a recording

Transcribing using Panopto's auto-captions


If you have a recording of voice or video (.MP3 .M4A .WAV .MP4 .AVI .WMV) and you would like to transcribe into text, there are not many free and GDPR compliant tools available to assist you. Whilst Panopto's auto-caption feature is not designed with transcription in mind, it will accomplish most of the manual work transitioning from audio to text for you. The produced document will require some 'cleaning up', removing timestamps and inserting speaker's names. But this guide will aim to guide you through the process.

Uploading a  recording to Panopto

First, log in to Panopto using your University credentials.

Select the "create" button, and then "upload media Illustrative image

You'll then be asked to select the recording you wish to upload and where you wish to save the recording on Panopto (My Folder by default): Illustrative image

The recording will then be uploaded and processed. The captions may take a while to become available, so please allow approximately 15 minutes.

Downloading the captions

Once the upload has finished processing, hover your cursor over your recording in your 'My folder', then select > Settings:  Illustrative image

This will then display the settings box, select the Captions tab

Under the option Available Captions, open the chevron and select Download file:  Illustrative image

The file should automatically download to your computer's default download location. Open the downloaded file (the caption file is a Name-of-your-video_Captions_English.txt)

Modifying the Captions to use elsewhere

You will notice that the downloaded file/text document has time-stamps, as well as additional data included and will open in Notepad .txt (rather than Word .docx): Illustrative image

The easiest way to modify the text is to copy and paste the entirety of the text from notepad into a new or existing Word document. 

With the notepad .txt file open, select Edit > Select All or Ctrl + A to select all the text in the document: Illustrative image

Then, with everything selected, select Edit > Copy or Ctrl + C to copy the text to your clipboard Illustrative image

Now go to your word Document and right-click where you wish to paste, select 'paste as text' or Ctrl + V: Illustrative image

You can delete lines by Clicking and dragging down the lines you don't want, to select them, and pressing the delete key to remove them:  Illustrative image  

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