Citation styles in Mendeley

View and select a citation style

  1. Go to “View” on the toolbar.
  2. Click on “Citation Styles”, then choose “More Styles” from the drop-down list.
  3. This defaults to the pre-installed styles tab. If your style is listed, then highlight it and click on “use this style”.
  4. Note the option to remove the URL except for webpages. Illustrative image
  5. To view further styles, go to the “Get more styles” tab and search for the appropriate style. Click on “install”. It will now appear in the list of pre-installed styles and you can click on “use this style”.

View your library as citations

  1. Go to “View” on the toolbar.
  2. Choose “Library as citations”.
  3. To return to normal view, choose “View” then “Library as table”.


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