Managing the permissions on your Shared Mailbox

A Shared Mailbox is an email account that does not have a network account password and there is no account to log in with to make changes. Unlike Generic accounts, where permissions management is normally done by logging into a computer, Shared Mailboxes need to be handled differently. 

Shared Mailboxes typically have their permissions managed at the top level of the account. If you require someone to have access to your Shared Mailbox, or someone to be removed, then you will need to ask an IT Admin to make these changes. 

Shared Mailbox Permission Levels 

There are three types of permissions that can be granted: 

  • Send As: Another individual can send as the account, meaning that emails sent from the Shared Mailbox, will be received by the name and email address of the Shared Mailbox. 
  • Send On Behalf Of: Another individual can send on behalf of the Shared Mailbox, however, unlike ‘Send As’, when receiving an email from the Shared Mailbox, this option displays the individual that sent the email, as well as the name of the Shared Mailbox. For example, ‘Fred Bloggs on behalf of Student Support’. 
  • Read and Manage: Granting this to another individual will provide access to all email and calendar information within the Shared Mailbox. The individual will have the ability to manage folder permissions, create calendar appointments, and delete and move emails,. But they will not have the ability to send emails or calendar invitations. If you wish to give the individual the ability to send emails, you must request ‘Read and Manage’ in combination with one of the Send options above. 

Changing Shared Mailbox Permissions 

If you want to grant, remove, or change access for an individual to your Shared Mailbox, please raise a request using  

We will need to know: 

  • The Shared Mailbox you need permissions changing for 

  • The names of the individuals that need adding/removing. 

  • The permissions above (Full Access, Send As/Send on Behalf Of). 

Managing Folder Permissions 

These steps can only be followed in a web browser on a desktop computer. 

  1. First log into (Outlook 365) and sign in with your staff network account. This account must have Full Access to the Shared Mailbox. 
  2. Click on your profile picture in the top right and select the option ‘Open another mailbox’.  
  3. Then type in the email address of the account you wish to manage and select ‘Open’. The Shared Mailbox will open in a new browser tab. 
  4. Navigate through the folders on the left-hand side in your Shared Mailbox, right click the folder you wish to change, and select ‘Sharing and permissions’ 
  5. You will see a list of names with permissions to the folder. Highlight the account that you wish to change, you can then change their Permissions level using the drop-down menu. Or make more granular changes to their permissions using the following options. Illustrative image  
    Alternatively, if you wish to remove permissions to this folder. Select the name of the person you wish to remove and click the Bin icon above the list of names. 
  6. For each additional folder you want to give permissions on (such as Sent, Deleted and any custom folders) you will need to change these permissions separately. 

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