LRC Usage Policy

Learning Resource Centre (LRC) – Usage, Advertising & Promoting Policy 2021-2023


1. Introduction

Our Learning Resource Centres (LRC) are the hub of our learning environment and play a vital part in providing students and staff with the resources, services and support required to achieve in their study and research. Due to the popularity of these spaces, this policy will ensure that the core function and focus of the buildings are maintained.

2. Scope of this Policy

This policy covers both the Chichester and Bognor Regis Learning Resource Centres and the immediate areas surrounding the buildings.

3. Associated Documents

This policy is supplemented by the LRC Code of Conduct.

4. LRC Primary Usages Study and Support Services

The primary use of the Centres is to provide students and staff with the facilities, resources and support to achieve in their study and research. This includes, but is not limited to, the provision of Library services, the Support and Information Zone, IT support services, Student Support and Wellbeing services, Careers & Employability services, the Print Shop, IT open access and study facilities. Main Reception
The LRCs provide the main reception for both campuses and are a central meeting point for our external visitors. Social Study Spaces
Both LRCs provide coffee shop services to provide students, staff and visitors a range of food and non-alcoholic drink options. This service is complemented by the provision of social study areas.

5. Secondary Usages

The following key University activities can also be provided each year from either one or both LRCs:
• Student Arrivals Check-in
• Student Registration
• Student Interview Check-in
• Open Days activities
• Exhibitions delivered in partnership with Library Services

6. Request for Additional Use

All requests for additional use of the buildings must be agreed by the Deputy Director of Students, Support and Information Services or the University Librarian. All requests should be sent via email to and will be considered on a case by case basis.

7. Advertising and Promotion

Any advertising and promotion that individuals, groups or departments wish to display either physically or electronically must only be put up in designated areas. All promotional materials outside these areas will be removed and recycled. Placing material on walls and windows is not permitted. Any material for display should be handed to the front desk in SIZ for consideration.
All advertising and promotions must be compliant with the following criteria:

• Be directly related to University of Chichester’s activities, partnerships, services or events.
• Not conflict with the core values of the University of Chichester
• Not promote public support for a political party or religious group, a person identified with such a party or group, or a point of view/question of political controversy
• Not discriminate on the grounds of race, colour, national origin, religion, sexual orientation or disability
• Not be of a sexual nature, which features an overtly sexual tone, innuendo or a subtext that may cause offence, partial or complete nudity or which appears to promote illegal or inappropriate behaviour
• Not be of a mocking nature, which makes fun of particular groups of people, types of behaviour or situations
• Does not offer goods or services that are in competition with those offered by the University or Students’ Union

8. Temporary Stalls, Stands and Banners

All requests for a temporary stall, stand or banner must comply with the above criteria and be directly related to a study or support service that is available to our students.
University of Chichester students can request to set up a temporary stall, stand or banner only if it is directly related to a specific assignment or project assigned as part of their course work. This request will need to be confirmed by the student’s academic tutor.
All requests for purely commercial or personal reasons, or those that do not directly enhance the student experience, cannot be considered. The selling of goods or services is not permitted.

9. Exceptions

Certain exceptions to the above can be made to support a specific University or affiliated partner service/initiative. All exceptions must be agreed by the Deputy Director of Students, Support & Information Services or University Librarian.

10. Charitable Support and Fundraising

Due to the central locations and popularity of the LRCs, requests to provide donation boxes are common. Unfortunately, we are unable to support all the requests received for this. Each year the LRC management team in liaison with the Students’ Forum will choose up to two charities to support each academic year.

The following charitable organisations are currently regularly supported at certain times:
• The Royal British Legion – Poppy Appeal
• Chichester Food Bank
• StonePillow

The LRCs regularly receive student requests to hold fundraising bake sales or equivalent events on the ground floor of our LRCs to raise funds for student projects and/or initiatives. Due to the growing popularity of these activities and to ensure capacity to manage and opportunities fairly distributed, these events will usually be limited to one per month. Requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis and repeat events within the same semester will not normally be approved.


Version number: 1.0
Policy owner: Deputy Director of Students, Support & Information Services; University Librarian; Student Forum
Effective date: 01/09/2021
Review date: 01/09/2023

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