This guide will show you how you can create hanging indents that you may need to use in your referencing or simply to format your paragraphs throughout your document.
If however, you are...
This guide will show you how you can create hanging indents that you may need to use in your referencing or simply to format your paragraphs throughout your document.
If however, you are...
A sparkline is a small graphic designed to give a quick representation of numerical or statistical information within a piece of text, taking the form of a graph without axes. This is displayed within a single cell and can be used to visualise data when you don't have enough room or it...
If functions are used when we want to specify a criteria to limit our function to. For instance, if we were interested in values above a certain amount we could use =countIf in order to count the number of the values in a range, that are above a certain value. There are multiple...
Create a chart
Select the data for which you want to create a chart.
Pivot tables can be used for many things however their best function is served by collating data for you. This is easier to create when the data is presented in log format. What we mean by this is that you should log each transaction individually and not...
Word has a feature to auto-recover and save documents in case of crashes or problems to the file. This area is hidden on the computer under a hidden folder and therefore accessed using a method that's different from accessing a regular file.
When creating charts/graphs in Excel you may find that some labels are not added by default and must be added manually or are in an unsuitable place. Excel also allows for modification of these labels, as well as their placement. In this example i'm going to amend a pie...
Excel can use a function to lookup and retrieve data from a specific column or row within a table. Vlookup works to return back a column of data and Hlookup works to return a row of data instead, therefore the V stands for vertical lookup and the H, Horizontal lookup.
...Track changes can be used to lock a document. Any changes made to the document after it has been locked will feature in a list of 'tracked changes' that can be approved or denied. These are similar to comments but will update the original document if approved.
Turning on...
By default, all users who have a email account can see other users' free / busy calendar information. To view this information, follow the instructions below.
Adding a calendar from the university directory - Office 365