Excel can handle lots of different format types of numbers, but you must regularly choose what type of number format you wish to be expressed on the cells containing those numbers. If you don't, you may suffer problem when calculating functions or expressing the data in...
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If functions are used when we want to specify a criteria to limit our function to. For instance, if we were interested in values above a certain amount we could use =countIf in order to count the number of the values in a range, that are above a certain value. There are multiple...
Cell references are used in almost all functions and they interact differently with the Auto-fill handle depending on what type of reference you have used:
The fill handle is shown when a cell is selected (by left clicking it), you will...
Below are a list of Excel guides currently available, these are a work in progress and will be added to as time goes on. If however you have a need for a tutorial that doesn't exist yet then please email ITSkills@chi.ac.uk to request it.