The University of Chichester Library Services are based in the Learning Resource Centres (LRCs) on both of our campuses. There is a team of professional librarians at each campus who provide specialist support, deliver information skills training and manage the library resources in their subject...
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BOC LRC Locker key loansLockers can be accessed while the building is open - please visit for times Loans are for 48hrs at a time, and can be renewed...
A small numbers of lockers are located on the top floor of the BOC LRC.
Locker usage guidance
Self-service machines are available to issue, renew and return books, using your campus ID card. Follow the on-screen instructions at the...
The University of Chichester Library Service is committed to open access for staff, students, and its wider communities.
Members of the public may use all open access material for reference use only. We also offer a ‘Walk-in Access’ scheme for use of Microsoft Office, our electronic...