Quick links
- Check the assessment criteria
- Academic study skills support
- Formatting your assignment
- Submitting your assignment
- Using Turnitin to check references
- Collecting feedback in ChiView
1. Check the assessment criteria
Your module's Moodle page will have all the details you'll need regarding any assessments.
This should include:
- The assessment criteria
- Please read this as this is what the assignment will be marked against
- University grading criteria can be found in the Academic Regulations Section 1 in the Academic Quality and Standards policies
- Due date
- Please check the Academic Regulations section 2 in the Academic Quality and Standards policies regarding late submission penalties and requesting extensions
- The online submission link
- Online submission uses Moodle's Assignment activity. See Submitting an assignment in Moodle
- Specific requirements
- Required file types (by default you can submit Word document, PDF*, Plain text, Rich text, and PowerPoint, but your tutor may have specific requirements)
- Paper submission (by default written assignments only require submitting digitally, however you may also be asked to submit a printed copy to the administrator's office)
*Please note that a PDF generated by scanning a document cannot be read by Turnitin. If you want to create a PDF readable by Turnitin then you must save it as a PDF through word or the programme you are using. Scanned PDFs should only be used when it is for handwritten work or for anything you don't have in a digital format (such as developed photographs or scrapbooks)
2. Academic study skills
The University of Chichester Skills Team has a dedicated academic skills advisor who can support you in your studies.
Please check the Study Skills Moodle page for guidance on:
- Academic writing
- Referencing
- Essay planning & structuring
- Critical thinking & writing
- Dissertations
- Exams & revision
- Reading & note-taking
- Presentations & posters
- Grammar & punctuation
- Reflective writing
- Time management/organisation
3. Formatting your assignment
Please check with your module tutor for any formatting requirements, such as:
Page numbering
Double spacing
Font type and size
File sizes
All assignments should include the student number in the page header. Please do not include your name on submissions as assignments are marked anonymously.
For support with these and other areas, please contact our IT Skills advisor
4. Submitting your assignment
Now that your assignment is written, it's time to submit it to the Moodle page.
Here are some steps to follow:
- File naming: make sure you include your student number in the file name, for example, 00361288_assignment_final.docx (do not include a question mark "?" in your file name as this can cause issues with downloading in some cases)
- If you have dyslexia, you no longer have to do anything to highlight this to your tutor. Digital dyslexia stickers are automatically added, for your tutor to see, from your central student record
- To submit a written assignment, please see the Submitting an assignment in Moodle help guide
- File size restrictions may apply. If your file is too large, please see the Files are too large to submit to Turnitin help guide
- Please make sure you check that the file you have submitted is the correct and that it opens (is not corrupt) by clicking on it to open up, and check the Turnitin report (step 5, below)
5. Using Turnitin to check references
Once your assignment has been submitted, Moodle will run it through Turnitin to check originality. This will result in an Originality Report, which highlights content that it recognises from websites, online journals and previously submitted assignments.
Please note:
- You are not aiming for a specific %
- It is not all about plagiarism. Turnitin may highlight quotes and sections of your bibliography, so take the opportunity to review the originality report and check you have included a reference when needed
- If you have any questions about referencing then you can contact the Academic Skills Adviser
Please take a look at our Turnitin for students guide for full details.
6. Collecting feedback in ChiView
You will receive an email when any module assessment feedback has been released.
To access your feedback:
- Log in to chiview.chi.ac.uk (there is also a link to ChiView on the Moodle homepage
- Go to My Study and select Assessment Feedback
- Students started before 2024
- Students started in 2024
- You will see your modules listed. Click on View in the Feedback column so see your marks and feedback.