Blogging with WordPress

A blog consists of diary-style text entries or posts, for this we use WordPress. Usually posts are displayed most recent first, at the top of the page. There are a number of educational uses for blogs such as posting work, reflective writing, class discussion, online diary of development, progress tracking and feedback and portfolios among many other uses. 

Once you have had a WordPress site requested for you, you will receive an email with your user name (this should be your university username). 

  • The first link is the password reset link  Illustrative image
  • Click this and reset your password, (you will be offered a generated password, you can delete this and use your own if you wish)  Illustrative image
  • Click Log in from the next screen,  Illustrative image
  • Log in with your username and the password you have just set.  Illustrative image
  • You will then see your blog  Illustrative image
  • You will be able to edit your blog from the Dashboard, to access this, hover over your username at the top of the page and click on Dashboard  Illustrative image
  • If you want to view your website from the Dashboard, hover over your username and click Visit Site  Illustrative image

Your WordPress site address should be

The user name is your university username eg Joe Bloggs might be 

Find out how to create your first post

Find out how to add and customise a theme

Further information on editing and customising your site can be found here: - First steps with WordPress*
  • *Please note that some options such as installing extra plugins may be disabled on university WordPress sites.
If you are a member of staff who would like to utilise WordPress in your modules, please contact

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